Summary: A reluctant Green Arrow is asked to join the new, expanded Justice League. Not entirely convinced that he's needed, he nonetheless tags along on their first assignment�stopping a runaway nuclear robot in the republic of Chong-Mai�and eventually joins the team at the urging of Batman, who sees Arrow's viewpoint as a valuable asset.
JL Mission Roll Call: Green Lantern, Captain Atom, Supergirl, Green Arrow
Featured Character: Green Arrow
Villain: "Brimstone"
Cartoon Network on �Initiation�:
�A reluctant Green Arrow is asked to join the new Justice League.
He, Supergirl, and Captain Atom are dispatched on a mission to stop a
rampaging nuclear monster in
Joaquim Dos Santos on �Initiation� and the Unlimited format (circa 2005): �We were cutting down from the two-part format and adding more characters. Just from a logistics standpoint, it sounded like a nightmare. As the series went on and we got through this, it turned out to be the best thing that could happen to us (courtesy of ToyFare Magazine).�
Bruce Timm on Green Arrow�s wink: �Dang it, we were afraid Ollie�s wink at Kara would be misinterpreted and, sure enough, everyone seems to think he was hitting on her. The wink was supposed to be more of an, �It�s okay, kid, I don�t like this jerk / Captain Atom either� kinda thing. Hopefully, their relationship will be clearer once �Fearful Symmetry� airs, where he�s presented as much more of a �hip uncle� type than a �cradle-robbing player� (courtesy of Toon Zone).�
Dwayne McDuffie on �Initiation�: �They [the Justice League] don�t �hang around.� They were there [on the Watchtower in �Initiation�] to be sworn in and get their ID and com-links. [The discussion between Batman and Green Arrow] was at least six hours later. [Black Canary] may have gone on a mission herself in that amount of time, or maybe she just took advantage of the gym.
�[Also, Green Arrow] didn�t [shower with his mask on]; he put it back on before he walked out into the common area. Members don�t know each other�s secret [identities] unless someone chooses to tell them (courtesy of�
Commentary coming soon!
Image courtesy of The
World�s Finest.