Real Name: Vox
Voiced by Larry Drake
A Kasnian double-agent in league with Vandal Savage, Colonel Vox possesses sonic powers that can destroy buildings and bring even the most powerful to their knees.
McDuffie on Colonel Vox:
�[The creative team and I] went through old DC Comics looking for a
character who could be Vandal's [second-in-command]; we were already thinking
sound powers�maybe like Marvel [Comic's] Black Bolt. I
remember I really liked the name 'Vox'�I thought I made up the voice box
gimmick off of the name by compressing 'voice box' into 'Vox'
(which is Latin for 'voice'), but if one of those other characters
already had a similar gimmick, maybe I picked it up from one of the other guys
who knew about it.
�Everybody works on everything, so it's really hard to remember who came up with what, or even where something came from. Sometimes one of the guys will compliment me on a line and I swear someone else came up with it (courtesy of Toon Zone).�
Don't interrupt me when I'm speaking. I'd hate to have to raise my voice.
Colonel Vox in Maid of Honor
Loosely based on Vox, the
Bionic Bandit�a minor DC villain whose only prior appearance was in Metal
Men #51�this character was plucked from obscurity and completely overhauled
for the Justice League episode Maid of Honor.
To that end, the creative team combined elements from other DC villains
to flesh out the character, such as Sonar (a Green Lantern villain who utilized
sonic weaponry for the glory of Modora, a fictional Balkan nation that,
coincidently, resembles Kasnia) and Silver Swan (a Wonder Woman villain who
could fly and possessed a sonic scream); the end result of this amalgamation
being a powerful, well-rounded adversary that employed the best elements of
these three characters.
It is unlikely that Colonel Vox survived the destruction of the Kasnian royal palace, considering that most Bond henchmen rarely survive to the end of their respective films.
Images courtesy of The World�s Finest and Yahoo! Auctions; additional material courtesy of Dwayne McDuffie.