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Summary:  The Justice League must team up with Jason Blood and his infernal counterpart, the demon Etrigan, to prevent Morgaine Le Fay and her son Mordred from obtaining the Philosopher's Stone, an artifact that will grant them vast magickal power.  However, as both teams search for the relic, J'onn J'onzz must make a painful choice between aiding his friends in defeating Le Fay, or succumbing to her promise to restore the planet Mars and his family with the stone's power.

JL Roll Call:  Batman, J'onn J'onzz, Wonder Woman, The Flash

Featured Character:  J'onn J'onzz

Villain:  Morgaine Le Fay

Supporting Villain:  Mordrid


Cartoon Network on �A Knight of Shadows�:  �Assisted by the demon Etrigan, the Justice League must stop an ancient sorceress, Morgaine Le Fay, from finding the Sorcerer�s Stone�a legendary object that would give her the power to rule the world" (courtesy of Cartoon Network).

Bruce Timm on �A Knight of Shadows�:  �I�m obviously a big [Jack] Kirby fan.  We did a Demon show on Batman, so we really had no need to go back to that well, but somebody thought the idea up and I figured, �Why not?�  I figured if we were going to do a Demon show, I wanted to go back to more elements of the actual comic, the Kirby version of the comic.  That meant going back to the Arthurian villains and stuff and the idea of going back to the fall of Camelot was one that appealed to me a lot.  These episodes had one of our best fight scenes ever:  in Part One, there�s that scene where Jason Blood and Batman are sword-fighting a bunch of animated suits of armor that�s fluidly staged and beautifully animated.  That�s one of the season highlights for me" (courtesy of RetroVision CD-ROM Magazine).

nothing on "A Knight of Shadows":  �'The Demon Story' [the episode�s original name] deals with how Jason Blood was cursed with the Demon, the power of the Philosopher�s Stone, and why Morgaine Le Fay and Mordrid want its power�this one really cements J�onn as a member of [the Justice League and gives you] some depth of the Demon and Jason Blood�s characters" (courtesy of Toon Zone).



Screen Grabs from "A Knight of Shadows"



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Images courtesy of Toon Zone.

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