Summary: When AMAZO returns to Earth possessing near-deity levels of powers, the Justice League assembles an army to prevent the android from reaching its goal: the newly-reformed Lex Luthor. However, when the League falls before AMAZO's might, it is revealed that the planet's salvation may, in fact, rest in the unlikeliest of hands.
Mission Roll Call:
Superman, Wonder
Woman, Green Lantern,
The Flash, J�onn
J�onzz, The Atom, Captain Atom, Dr.
Fate, Dr. Light, Fire, Ice, Orion, Red Tornado, Rocket Red, Starman, Steel,
GLC Roll Call: John
Stewart, Arisia, Chaselon, Katma
Tui, Kilowog, Kyle Rayner, Larvox,
Palaqua, RRU-9-2, Salakk, Tomar-Re
Featured Character:
Supporting Villain:
Lex Luthor
Cartoon Network on �The Return�: �Nearly two-dozen heroes join forces to prevent an all-powerful android from reaching his goal: the recently-reformed Lex Luthor (courtesy of The World�s Finest).�
Bruce Timm on �The Return�: �The AMAZO show is probably the biggest episode of Season Three. We went into this [series] thinking we would have small groups of heroes, like three or four. [However], the �AMAZO returns� show is so huge it�s got, like, an army of superheroes going after AMAZO. It�s going to be something to see (courtesy of [website name removed]).�
J.M. DeMatteis on Lex Luthor in "The Return": �Villains are most intriguing when we can glimpse their humanity. The minute you shine even a little light into the bad guy�s psyche, he becomes far more interesting and relatable. And that�s what�s worked with Luthor�s portrayal in the show (courtesy of ToyFare Magazine).�
Dwayne McDuffie on Green Lantern in �The Return�: �We thought it was obvious [that] he's trying to forget Shayera through his work. That's why the Guardian made reference to his �personal problems� (courtesy of�
Commentary coming soon!
Image courtesy of The
World�s Finest.