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February 3, 2007

Added "A Knight of Shadows", "Metamorphosis", "The Savage Time", "Twilight", "Tabula Rasa", "Only a Dream", and "Maid of Honor" image galleries.

Updated "Secret Origins", "In Blackest Night", and "The Enemy Below" image galleries.

�Updated Season One of The Trophy Room - Freeze-Framing Justice League entry.

Merged Simon Stagg and The Villains of Earth-2 entries with Season One of The Trophy Room - Freeze-Framing Justice League entry.


May 17, 2006

�Added "Paradise Lost", "War World", "The Brave and the Bold", "Fury", and "Legends" image galleries.

�Updated "Secret Origins", "In Blackest Night", "The Enemy Below", and "Injustice for All" image galleries.



May 17, 2006

�Updated The Watchtower Weblog and Schedule pages.


March 6, 2006

�Added Dead Reckoning, Flash and Substance, The Great Brain Robbery, Patriot Act, and Who's Who in the Legion of Doom?

�Updated Divided We Fall, Double Date, I Am Legion, This Little Piggy, Maid of Honor, The Once and Future Thing, Pilot - Test Animation Footage, Question Authority, Shadow of the Hawk, and Ultimatum entries.


January 27, 2006

�Updated The Watchtower Weblog and Schedule pages.


January 25, 2006

�Updated Doomsday, The Watchtower Weblog, The Widescreen Explanation, and Schedule pages.


November 20, 2005

�Updated The Watchtower Weblog.


November 13, 2005

�Updated Dr. Destiny entry.


October 31, 2005

�Updated The Key entry.


October 16, 2005

�Updated The Balance, A Better World, The Cadmus Project, Captain Marvel, Cheetah, Comfort and Joy, Copperhead, Dark Heart, Darkseid, The Doomsday Sanction, Epilogue, For the Man Who Has Everything, Fury, The Greatest Story Never Told, Green Arrow, Hearts and Minds, Ichthultu, Initiation, Kids' Stuff, Legends, Lex Luthor, The Once and Future Thing, Only a Dream, Question Authority, The Savage Time, Shadow of the Hawk, Tabula Rasa, The Ties That Bind, Starcrossed, Star Sapphire, The Return, This Little Piggy, Ultimatum, Wake the Dead, and Wild Cards entries.


October 3, 2005

�Added Chaos at the Earth's Core and To Another Shore entries.

�Updated Secret Origins, In Blackest Night, and The Enemy Below entries.


September 18, 2005

�Added I Am Legion and Shadow of the Hawk entries.

�Updated The Flash, Green Lantern, Jason Blood and Etrigan the Demon, J�onn J�onzz - The Martian Manhunter, Panic in the Sky, The Question, Schedule, Superman, and Wonder Woman entries.


September 6, 2005

�Updated Captain Marvel, Double Date, Epilogue, The Question, Seasons Three and Four, and Who's Who in the JLU? entries.


September 5, 2005

�Added The Question entry.

�Updated In Blackest Night and Schedule entries.


August 23, 2005

�Added Huntress entry.

�Updated Captain Marvel entry.

Merged Big Barda and Mr. Miracle entries with The New Gods � New Genesis entry.


August 21, 2005

�Added Black Canary, The Creeper, Green Arrow, Hawk and Dove, Supergirl, and Zatanna entries.

�Updated the Pre-Season One, Season One, Season Two, Seasons Three and Four, Season Five, and The Cadmus Project entries.

�Revised Episode Guide.


July 31, 2005

�Revised Episode Guide.


June 22, 2005

�Updated the Ultra-Humanite, The Watchtower Weblog, and Schedule entries.


June 14, 2005

�Updated Star Sapphire and Schedule entries.


June 11, 2005

�Updated Lex Luthor and Schedule entries.


April 25, 2005

�Added Circe entry.

�Updated Schedule page.


April 17, 2005

�Updated Cheetah, Clayface, Deadshot, Orm, and Schedule entries.


April 3, 2005

�Updated Kanjar Ro, The Manhunters, Schedule, and Secret Origins entries.


March 25, 2005

�Added The Cadmus Project entry.

�Updated Schedule page.


January 25, 2005

�Updated The Watchtower Weblog and Schedule pages.


January 6, 2005

�Updated Batman, Green Lantern, The Imperium, Schedule, Secret Origins, and Superman entries.


November 13, 2004

�Added Links page.

�Updated The Watchtower Weblog, Who's Who in the JLU?, and Schedule pages.


August 29, 2004

�Added Season Three to The Trophy Room - Freeze-Framing Justice League.

�Updated Schedule page.


August 5, 2004

�Updated Who's Who in the JLU? entry.


August 1, 2004

�Updated Deadshot and Despero entries.


July 12, 2004

�Updated Darkseid entry.

�Updated Schedule page.


July 6, 2004

�Added Clayface entry.

�Updated Brainiac, Cheetah, Colonel Vox, and Copperhead entries.

�Updated Schedule and Downloads pages.


June 19, 2004

�Updated AMAZO and Aresia entries.


June 17, 2004

�Added Captain Marvel and Lobo entries.

�Updated The Watchtower Weblog.


June 10, 2004

�Added Who's Who in the JLU? entry.


June 6, 2004

�Updated Metamorpho and Static entries.

Merged Hippolyta entry into The Trophy Room - Freeze-Framing Justice League entry.


June 4, 2004

�Added The Watchtower Weblog.

�Updated The Flash, Jason Blood and Etrigan the Demon, Green Lantern, Green Lantern - Kyle Rayner, The Justice Guild of America, Justice League Series Information - Season Three, Mercy Graves, The New Gods � New Genesis, and Superman entries.

Added images to Batman, J�onn J�onzz - The Martian Manhunter, and Wonder Woman entries.


June 3, 2004

�Added entry for The Trophy Room - Freeze-Framing Justice League.


January 23, 2004

�Added entry for Pilot - Test Animation Footage.

�Updated Jason Blood and Etrigan the Demon and Schedule entries.


January 19, 2004

�Added entries for Dr. Fate and Ichthultu.

�Updated The Blackhawks, Easy Company, and Schedule entries.


January 15, 2004

�Updated Aquaman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, J�onn J�onzz - The Martian Manhunter, Schedule, Superman, and Wonder Woman entries.

Merged Mera entry into Aquaman entry.


Image courtesy of The World�s Finest.

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